
Found 4 results
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A. Hück, Kreutzer, S., Protze, J., Lehr, J. - P., Bischof, C., Terboven, C., and Müller, M. S., Compiler-Aided Type Correctness of Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Applications, IT Professional, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 45-51, 2022.
T. Jammer, Hück, A., Lehr, J. - P., Protze, J., Schwitanski, S., and Bischof, C., Towards a Hybrid MPI Correctness Benchmark Suite, in Proceedings of the 29th European MPI Users' Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USA), 2022, pp. 46-56.
A. Hück, Protze, J., Lehr, J. - P., Terboven, C., Bischof, C., and Müller, M. S., Towards compiler-aided correctness checking of adjoint MPI applications, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness), 2020, pp. 40-48.
A. Hück, Lehr, J. - P., Kreutzer, S., Protze, J., Terboven, C., Bischof, C., and Müller, M. S., Compiler-aided type tracking for correctness checking of MPI applications, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness), 2018, pp. 51-58.