Found 142 results
„Decentralizing Infrastructure as Code“, IEEE Software, Bd. 40, Nr. 1 (to appear, IEEE, 2023.
, „Accelerating Brain Simulations with the Fast Multipole Method“, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2022, S. 22-26.
, „Augmented Reality-based Programming of Robot-Arms“, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2022, S. 1-8.
, „Automatic Loop Invariant Generation for Data Dependence Analysis“, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE), 2022, S. 34-45.
, „Automatic Test-Case Generation with CoVeriTest (Extended Abstract)“, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP), 2022, S. 3-8.
, „Automating Software Re-engineering - Introduction to the ISoLA 2022 Track“, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA). Springer, S. 195-200, 2022.
, „Change Is the Only Constant: Dynamic Updates for Workflows“, in Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2022, S. 350-362.
, „Compiler-Aided Type Correctness of Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Applications“, IT Professional, Bd. 24, Nr. 2, S. 45-51, 2022.
, „Compiler-assisted Instrumentation Selection for Large-scale C++ Codes“, in Proceedings of the ISC High Performance 2022 International Workshops (C3PO), 2022, S. 5-19.
, „Configuration of a Web-Based Digital Twin using a Modular and Flexible Simulation Chain“, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2022, S. 9-16.
, „Editorial of Special Issue: Keeping up with technology: Teaching parallel, distributed, and highperformance computing“, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Bd. 160. Elsevier, S. 36-38, 2022.
, „ElastiSim: A Batch-System Simulator for Malleable Workloads“, Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP). ACM (to appear, Link), 2022.
, „Improving Loop Parallelization by a Combination of Static and Dynamic Analyses in HLS“, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, Bd. 15, Nr. 3, S. 31:1-31:31, 2022.
, „Infrastructure as Code for Dynamic Deployments“, in Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2022, S. 1775-1779.
, „Multi-objective Hybrid Autoscaling of Microservices in Kubernetes Clusters“, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2022, S. 233-250.
, „On the Interaction between Test-Suite Reduction and Regression-Test Selection Strategies“, ArXiv E-Print 2207.12733: ArXiv, S. 1-39, 2022.
, „PEQtest: Testing Functional Equivalence“, in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2022, S. 184-204.
, „Reusing Predicate Precision in Value Analysis“, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM), 2022, S. 63-85.
, „SMART: A Tool for Trust and Reputation Management in Social Media“, in Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2021 Parallel Processing Workshops (LSDVE), 2022, S. 417-427.
, „Towards a Hybrid MPI Correctness Benchmark Suite“, in Proceedings of the 29th European MPI Users' Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USA), 2022, S. 46-56.
, „Towards a Usable and Sustainable Deductive Verification Tool“, in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA), 2022, S. 281-300.
, „Auto Graph Encoder-Decoder for Neural Network Pruning“, in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, S. 6342-6352.
, „Automated model extraction: From non-deterministic C code to active objects“, Science of Computer Programming, Bd. 204, 2021.
, „Automatic Low-Overhead Load-Imbalance Detection in MPI Applications“, in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2021, S. 19-34.
, „Automating Serverless Deployments for DevOps Organizations“, in Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2021, S. 57-69.
, „Benchmarking, Measuring, and Optimizing“, Proceedings of the 3rd BenchCouncil International Symposium (Bench). Springer, S. 1-268, 2021.
, „Concept for Interaction of Hardware Simulation and Embedded Software in a Digital Twin Based Test Environment“, in Proceedings of the 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), 2021, S. 999-1004.
, „Cooperative verifier-based testing with CoVeriTest“, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Bd. 23, S. 313-333, 2021.
, „CoVeriTest with Adaptive Time Scheduling (Competition Contribution)“, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2021, S. 358-362.
, „Crowbar: Behavioral Symbolic Execution for Deductive Verification of Active Objects“, ArXiv E-Print 2102.10127: ArXiv, S. 1-12, 2021.
, „Deductive Verification of Programs with Underspecified Semantics by Model Extraction“, ArXiv E-Print 2110.01964: ArXiv, S. 1-31, 2021.
, „Delta-based verification of software product families“, in Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN International Confernce on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE), 2021, S. 69-82.
, „Deployment Coordination for Cross-Functional DevOps Teams“, in Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2021, S. 1630-1634.
, „Design-Time Performance Modeling of Compositional Parallel Programs“, Parallel Computing, Bd. 108, S. 1-12, 2021.
, „Extracting Clean Performance Models from Tainted Programs“, in Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2021, S. 403-417.
, „Fex: Assisted Identification of Domain Features from C Programs“, in Proceedings of the 21st International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2021, S. 170-180.
, „Impact of Programming Languages on Machine Learning Bugs“, in Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on AI and Software Testing/Analysis (AISTA), 2021, S. 9-12.
, „Influence of Noisy Environments on Behavior of HPC Applications“, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Bd. 42, S. 1560-1570, 2021.
, „Learning to Make Compiler Optimizations More Effective“, in Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Machine Programming (MAPS), 2021, S. 9-20.
, „MPI-CorrBench: Towards an MPI Correctness Benchmark Suite“, in Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2021, S. 69-80.
, „Multiparty Languages: The Choreographic and Multitier Cases“, in Proceedings of the 35th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2021, S. 22:1-22:27.
, „Networking of digital twins in the digital factory for single part manufacturing simulation“, in Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS), 2021, S. 1-3.
, „Noise-Resilient Empirical Performance Modeling with Deep Neural Networks“, in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2021, S. 23-34.
, „PatEC: Pattern-based Equivalence Checking“, in Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Model Checking Software (SPIN), 2021, S. 120-139.
, „PEQcheck: Localized and Context-aware Checking of Functional Equivalence“, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE), 2021, S. 130-140.
, „PEQcheck: Localized and Context-aware Checking of Functional Equivalence (Technical Report)“, ArXiv E-Print 2101.09042: ArXiv, S. 1-37, 2021.
, „Tool-Supported Mini-App Extraction to Facilitate Program Analysis and Parallelization“, in Proceedings of the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2021, S. 1-10.
, „Verifying Pipeline Implementations in OpenMP“, in Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Model Checking Software (SPIN), 2021, S. 81-98.
, „Web-based Digital Twin“, Journal of Innovation, S. 1-18, 2021.
, „A Survey of Multitier Programming“, ACM Computing Surveys, Bd. 53, Nr. 4, S. 81:1-81:35, 2020.
, „A Unifying Framework for Dynamic Monitoring and a Taxonomy of Optimizations“, in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA), 2020, S. 72-92.
, „Accelerating winograd convolutions using symbolic computation and meta-programming“, in Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), 2020, S. 1-14.
, „Automating Software Re-engineering“, International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA). Springer, S. 72-92, 2020.
, „Compiler-assisted type-safe checkpointing“, in Proceedings of the ISC High Performance 2020 International Workshops (C3PO), 2020, S. 5-18.
, „Compositional Liveness-Preserving Conformance Testing of Timed I/O Automata“, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS), 2020, S. 147-169.
, „Coupled similarity: the first 32 years“, Acta Informatica, Bd. 57, S. 239-263, 2020.
, „CoVeriTest with Dynamic Partitioning of the Iteration Time Limit (Competition Contribution)“, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2020, S. 540-544.
, „CPA/Tiger-MGP: Test-Goal Set Partitioning for Efficient Multi-goal Test-suite Generation“, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Bd. 23, S. 853-856, 2020.
, „Distributability of mobile ambients“, Information and Computation, Bd. 275, 2020.
, „Dynamic Multi-objective Scheduling of Microservices in the Cloud“, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2020, S. 386-393.
, „Efficient Ephemeris Models for Spacecraft Trajectory Simulations on GPUs“, in Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2020, S. 561-577.
, „Empirical Modeling of Spatially Diverging Performance“, in Proceedings the 2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools (HUST) and Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), 2020, S. 71-80.
, „Enhancing digital twin performance through simulation of computerized numerical control firmware“, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Services (TESConf), 2020, S. 69-74.
, „ExtraPeak: Advanced Automatic Performance Modeling for HPC Applications“, Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019, LNCSE 136. Springer, S. 453-482, 2020.
, „Hidden in Plain Sight: Obfuscated Strings Threatening Your Privacy“, in Proceedings of the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2020, S. 694-707.
, „HybridTiger: Hybrid Model Checking and Domination-based Partitioning for Efficient Multi-Goal Test-Suite Generation (Competition Contribution)“, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2020, S. 520-524.
, „Implementing a Language for Distributed Systems: Choices and Experiences with Type Level and Macro Programming in Scala“, The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Bd. 4, Nr. 3, S. 17:1-17:29, 2020.
, „Integration of Multi-domain-Simulation into the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems“, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2020, S. 451-456.
, „Learning Cost-Effective Sampling Strategies for Empirical Performance Modeling“, in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2020, S. 884-895.
, „Leveraging Hybrid Cloud HPC with Multitier Reactive Programming“, in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Interoperability of Supercomputing and Cloud Technologies (SuperCompCloud), 2020, S. 27-32.
, „MetaCG: annotated call-graphs to facilitate whole-program analysis“, in Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis (TAPAS), 2020, S. 3-9.
, „Mixed Reality for Visualization of Operating Data and Semantic Self-Descriptions of Machines using OPC UA“, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2020, S. 149-156.
, „Model-Based Interconnection of Digital and Physical Twins Using OPC UA“, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2020, S. 178-185.
, „On Automated N-way Program Merging for Facilitating Family-based Analyses of Variant-rich Software“, in Proceedings of Software Engineering (SE), 2020, S. 55-56.
, „On Controlling the Attack Surface of Object-Oriented Refactorings“, in Proceedings of Software Engineering (SE), 2020, S. 89-90.
, „Parametric Timed Bisimulation“, in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA), 2020, S. 55-71.
, „Real-Time Aware Reconfiguration Decisions for Dynamic Software Product Lines“, in Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line (SPLC), 2020, S. 1-11.
, „REFINITY to Model and Prove Program Transformation Rules“, in Proceedings of the 18th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS), 2020, S. 217-231.
, „Safer Parallelization“, in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA), 2020, S. 117-137.
, „Skipping Non-essential Instructions Makes Data-Dependence Profiling Faster“, in Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2020, S. 3-17.
, „Static Neural Compiler Optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning“, in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC (LLVM-HPC), 2020, S. 1-11.
, „Testing Conformance in Multi-component Enterprise Application Management“, in Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC), 2020, S. 3-18.
, „The Trace Modality“, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic (DaLí), 2020, S. 124-140.
, „Towards a Circular Economy of Industrial Software“, in Proceedings of the 27th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference (LCE), 2020, S. 37-42.
, „Towards compiler-aided correctness checking of adjoint MPI applications“, in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness), 2020, S. 40-48.
, „Treating for-Loops as First-Class Citizens in Proofs“, ArXiv E-Print 2002.00776: ArXiv, S. 1-19, 2020.
, „Upgrading of Legacy Systems to Cyber-Physical Systems“, in Proceedings of the 13th International Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering Symposium (TMCE), 2020, S. 1-13.
, „A Program Logic for Dependence Analysis“, in Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), 2019, S. 83-100.
, „Abstract Execution“, in Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods (FM), 2019, S. 319-336.
, „Accelerating Data-Dependence Profiling with Static Hints“, in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2019, S. 17-28.
, „Anything to Hide? Studying Minified and Obfuscated Code in the Web“, in Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2019, S. 1735-1746.
, „Automated N-way Program Merging for Facilitating Family-based Analyses of Variant-rich Software“, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Bd. 28, Nr. 3, S. 13:1-13:59, 2019.
, „Automated Refactoring to Reactive Programming“, in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2019, S. 835-846.
, „Automatic Construct Selection and Variable Classification in OpenMP“, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2019, S. 330-341.
, „Automatic Identification of Standard Template Algorithms in Raw Loops“, in Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on AI-Inspired and Empirical Methods for Software Engineering on Parallel Computing Systems (AI-SEPS), 2019, S. 11-14.
, „Automatic Instrumentation Refinement for Empirical Performance Modeling“, in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), 2019, S. 40-47.
, „Automatic Loop Invariant Generation Using Predicate Abstraction for Dependence Analysis“, in Proceedings of the PhD Symposium at iFM'19 on Formal Methods: Algorithms, Tools and Applications (PhD-iFM), 2019, S. 10-12.
, „Designing Efficient Parallel Software via Compositional Performance Modeling“, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), 2019, S. 17-24.
, „Developing Distributed Systems with Multitier Programming“, in Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS), 2019, S. 203-204.
, „Enhancing the Programmability and Performance Portability of GPU Tensor Operations“, in Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2019, S. 213-226.
, „From Attacker Models to Reliable Security“, in Proceedings of the 14th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2019, S. 547-548.
, „From Imprecise N-Way Model Matching to Precise N-Way Model Merging“, Journal of Object Technology, Bd. 18, Nr. 2, S. 1-20, 2019.
, „How to Avoid Making a Billion-Dollar Mistake: Type-Safe Data Plane Programming with SafeP4“, in Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2019, S. 12:1-12:28.
, „Interactive Metamorphic Testing of Debuggers“, in Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2019, S. 273-283.
, „Language-integrated Privacy-aware Distributed Queries“, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Bd. 3, Nr. OOPSLA, 2019.
, „Leaky Images: Targeted Privacy Attacks in the Web“, in Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2019, S. 923-939.
, „Modeling Non-deterministic C Code with Active Objects“, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN), 2019, S. 213-227.
, „Multitier Modules“, in Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2019, S. 3:1-3:29.
, „NL2Type: Inferring JavaScript Function Types from Natural Language Information“, in Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2019, S. 304-315.
, „On the Meaning and Purpose of Attack Trees“, in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2019, S. 184-199.
, „Sampling Strategies for Product Lines with Unbounded Parametric Real-time Constraints“, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Bd. 21, Nr. 6, S. 613-633, 2019.
, „SiMPOSE - Configurable N-Way Program Merging Strategies for Superimposition-Based Analysis of Variant-Rich Software“, in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2019, S. 1134-1137.
, „The Art of Getting Deep Neural Networks in Shape“, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Bd. 15, Nr. 4, S. 62:1-62:21, 2019.
, „Wasabi: A Framework for Dynamically Analyzing WebAssembly“, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2019, S. 1045-1058.
, „A Systematic Evaluation of Static API-Misuse Detectors“, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Bd. 45, Nr. 12, S. 1170-1188, 2018.
, „A Unified Lattice Model and Framework for Purity Analyses“, in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2018, S. 340-350.
, „Change-aware Dynamic Program Analysis for JavaScript“, in Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2018, S. 127-137.
, „Compiler-aided type tracking for correctness checking of MPI applications“, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications (Correctness), 2018, S. 51-58.
, „ConflictJS: Finding and Understanding Conflicts Between JavaScript Libraries“, in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2018, S. 741-751.
, „Controlling the Attack Surface of Object-Oriented Refactorings“, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), 2018, S. 38-55.
, „Cross-Language Optimizations in Big Data Systems: A Case Study of SCOPE“, in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP), 2018, S. 45-54.
, „CrySL: An Extensible Approach to Validating the Correct Usage of Cryptographic APIs“, in Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2018, S. 10:1-10:27.
, „DeepBugs: A Learning Approach to Name-based Bug Detection“, in Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), 2018, S. 1-25.
, „Estimating the Impact of External Interference on Application Performance“, in Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2018, S. 46-58.
, „Feedback-Directed Differential Testing of Interactive Debuggers“, in Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2018, S. 610-620.
, „Freezing the Web: A Study of ReDoS Vulnerabilities in JavaScript-based Web Servers“, in Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2018, S. 361-376.
, „How Many of All Bugs Do We Find? A Study of Static Bug Detectors“, in Proceedings of the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2018, S. 317-328.
, „Investigating Order Information in API-Usage Patterns: A Benchmark and Empirical Study“, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT), 2018, S. 91-102.
, „Is This Class Thread-Safe? Inferring Documentation using Graph-based Learning“, in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2018, S. 41-52.
, „Lattice Based Modularization of Static Analyses“, in Companion Proceedings for the ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 Workshops (SOAP), 2018, S. 113-118.
, „Mathematical Programming for Anomaly Analysis of Clafer Models“, in Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2018, S. 34-44.
, „Measuring Effectiveness of Sample-Based Product-Line Testing“, in Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE), 2018, S. 119-133.
, „Modular, Correct Compilation with Automatic Soundness Proofs“, in Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA), 2018, S. 424-447.
, „Multimodal Complex Event Processing on Mobile Devices“, in Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS), 2018, S. 112-123.
, „Opportunistic Named Functions in Disruption-tolerant Emergency Networks“, in Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF), 2018, S. 129-137.
, „PIRA: Performance Instrumentation Refinement Automation“, in Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Empirical Methods for Software Engineering and Parallel Computing Systems (AI-SEPS), 2018, S. 1-10.
, „Reactive Programming Experience with REScala“, in Conference Companion of the 2nd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Programming), 2018, S. 105-112.
, „Systematic Evaluation of the Unsoundness of Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Java“, in Companion Proceedings for the ISSTA/ECOOP 2018 Workshops (SOAP), 2018, S. 107-112.
, „Test Generation for Higher-Order Functions in Dynamic Languages“, in Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), 2018, S. 1-27.
, „Towards Safe Modular Composition of Network Functions“, in Conference Companion of the 2nd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Programming), 2018, S. 81-86.
, „Unveiling Thread Communication Bottlenecks Using Hardware-Independent Metrics“, in Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2018, S. 1-10.
, „Versatile Event Correlation with Algebraic Effects“, ACM on Programming Languages, Bd. 2, Nr. ICFP, S. 67:1-67:31, 2018.