Software-Factory 4.0 at the 59. Hessentag in Bad Hersfeld

  • Posted on: June 13, 2019 - 10:02

From 7.6. to 8.6. the LOEWE research cluster Software-Factory 4.0 presented itself at the Hessentag 2019 in Bad Hersfeld. Software-Factory 4.0 researchers presented the project and its results to a wide audience at the booth of ProLOEWE and the initiative “Hessen schafft Wissen”.

Presenting Software-Factory 4.0 researchers

On the two days of the exhibition, interested visitors informed themselves about the Software-Factory 4.0 vision, its approach, and its results. The exhibition targeted a broad variety of visitors, from experts through future students up to children.

Visitors at the Software-Factory 4.0 booth

The exhibition focused on the two application clusters High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0). The HPC cluster presented parts of the Lichtenberg supercomputer of the TU Darmstadt. Software-Factory 4.0 develops methods and tools to use modern computer’s, including the Lichtenberg supercomputer, full potential. The I4.0 cluster distributed sketches drawn by a modified lasercutter. Software-Factory 4.0 develops methods and tools to (semi-) automatically adapt the controller software of the lasercutter.

Visit of the Bad Hersfeld mayor Thomas Fehling